Improving Software Requirements - Analysis of Petri Net Models for Inconsistency and Incompleteness
Improving Software Requirements - Analysis of Petri Net Models for Inconsistency and Incompleteness |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-2 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : A Keshav Bharadwaj, Vinod K Agrawal, Jayashree R |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I2P248 |
How to Cite?
A Keshav Bharadwaj, Vinod K Agrawal, Jayashree R, "Improving Software Requirements - Analysis of Petri Net Models for Inconsistency and Incompleteness," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 466-492, 2023. Crossref,
Stakeholders of most software projects express requirements in natural language. (English is taken as the natural language here). To minimize errors in the requirements, an analysis of requirements is necessary. Direct analysis of requirements expressed in natural language is complex. Hence it is preferable that they be expressed using some formal method before they are analyzed and used for specifications development. In this paper, we have made the assumption that specification documents and Petri net models of the software requirements are available to us. We propose methods to analyze these Petri net models for inconsistency and incompleteness in the software requirements. Results obtained from the analysis are used to redefine the given user requirements such that inconsistency and incompleteness are removed. The example of an Automated Teller Machine has been used to demonstrate our approach.
Analysis, Completeness, Consistency, Petri nets, Requirements.
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