Graph Database with Neo4j and the Cypher Language: An Application in Mining Companies

Graph Database with Neo4j and the Cypher Language: An Application in Mining Companies

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-2
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Santiago Domingo Moquillaza Henríquez, Edwin Roque Tito, Juan Faustino Infantes Loo, Liliana Ruth Huamán Rondón
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I2P125

How to Cite?
Santiago Domingo Moquillaza Henríquez, Edwin Roque Tito, Juan Faustino Infantes Loo, Liliana Ruth Huamán Rondón, "Graph Database with Neo4j and the Cypher Language: An Application in Mining Companies," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 271-283, 2025. Crossref,

Objective of the Article: demonstrate how Neo4j, a graph database, together with the Cypher language, can be used to model and analyze complex relationships in the mining industry. It seeks to illustrate how this technology allows a clearer and more efficient view of mining operations and their global interactions. Applied Methodology: The mining system is modeled using graphs, where nodes represent key entities such as mining companies, mines, mineral types, export countries and transportation routes. The edges between these nodes reflect relationships, such as the extraction of minerals in specific mines, exports to countries, and the type of mineral transported (ferrous or non-ferrous). Cypher queries are used in Neo4j to explore and visualize these relationships. Results: The Neo4j implementation offers detailed and dynamic views of mining operations, facilitating the identification of critical patterns and relationships. Graphical visualization highlights connections and dependencies that may not be evident in traditional data models. Graph theory is applied to analyze connectivity and centrality in the data network, improving understanding and strategic decision-making in the mining sector. In summary, the paper shows the applicability of Neo4j in the mining sector using the Cypher Language in the context of graph theory.

Neo4j, Mining sector, Graph database, Minerals, Cypher language.


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