Novel Method to Annotate Text Properties for Indic Language Kannada

Novel Method to Annotate Text Properties for Indic Language Kannada

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Vivekananda, K C Ravishankar
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P126

How to Cite?
Vivekananda, K C Ravishankar, "Novel Method to Annotate Text Properties for Indic Language Kannada," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 313-323, 2025. Crossref,

Natural Language Processing includes Machine Translation and Transliteration processes. These Processes are helpful in knowledge transfer across language barriers. The language processing tools and algorithms should analyse the source language for efficient results. Therefore, language processing tasks have source language analysis as one of the preliminary steps. Text analysis to understand syllable structures is an important initial step. Understanding syllable structures of the agglutinative and abugida languages is more challenging because of complex syllable structures. Various morphemes are stitched together in agglutinative languages to build long words with complex meanings. In abugida languages, letters are built using consonants and vowel sequences. Syllabification and syllable segmentation processes explore complex syllable structures of abugida languages. This paper proposes a novel approach to annotate and classify an abugida-type language, Kannada text syllables, by building a Syntax Directed Translation (SDT) and implementing it using PLY (A python LEX and YACC tool).

NLP, Syllabification, Kannada text processing, Syllable annotation, Syllable classification, Syllable segmentation.

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