Integrating Wind Power for a Sustainable Future: A Simulation Analysis of Battery Storage, Transmission, and System Performance

Integrating Wind Power for a Sustainable Future: A Simulation Analysis of Battery Storage, Transmission, and System Performance

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Sandeep Ushkewar, Ashwini Patil, Gaurav Patil, S.P. Deshmukh, S.K. Bhil
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P113

How to Cite?
Sandeep Ushkewar, Ashwini Patil, Gaurav Patil, S.P. Deshmukh, S.K. Bhil, "Integrating Wind Power for a Sustainable Future: A Simulation Analysis of Battery Storage, Transmission, and System Performance," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 155-165, 2025. Crossref,

The escalating demand for sustainable energy solutions has propelled advancements in wind power. Wind's variable nature presents a significant challenge – guaranteeing uninterrupted and consistent electricity delivery. This research addresses this challenge by investigating the integration of battery storage and optimized transmission line management for maximizing wind power utilization and efficiency. Wind's intermittency poses a major obstacle for grid operators, obstructing the real-time supply-demand balance for grid stability. Battery storage offers a solution by capturing excess wind energy during high output periods and providing a readily available power source during low wind. This flexibility reduces energy curtailment, enhances grid stability, and improves overall wind power utilization. This work deals with the impact of battery storage capacity and transmission line strength on the performance of a simulated wind power system. Work employs a modeling and simulation approach, developing mathematical models for wind turbines, battery storage, transmission lines, and electrical load. Simulating the system under various scenarios aims to identify optimal system configurations that minimize energy curtailment, enhance grid stability, and improve overall system efficiency. This analysis is expected to provide valuable insights into the optimal configuration of battery storage and transmission line capacity for wind power integration. The findings hold the potential to significantly contribute to the development of reliable and more economical wind energy systems, accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future.

Battery storage, Grid stability, Renewable energy systems, Transmission line management, Wind turbine system.

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