Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles Using Partial Power Charging Circuit Topology by Standalone Hybrid Renewable Source Charging Station

Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles Using Partial Power Charging Circuit Topology by Standalone Hybrid Renewable Source Charging Station

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Challa Ramaiah, Edara Venkata Chandra Sekhara Rao, Satish Kumar Peddapelli
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P111

How to Cite?
Challa Ramaiah, Edara Venkata Chandra Sekhara Rao, Satish Kumar Peddapelli, "Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles Using Partial Power Charging Circuit Topology by Standalone Hybrid Renewable Source Charging Station," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 136-145, 2025. Crossref,

Charging the EV’s battery packs is a crucial task as it needs DC voltage stability and reduced circulating currents. Conventional converters (Boost or Buck-Boost) have high disturbances, ripple, and lower efficiency. These converters are unsuitable for high-current applications such as electric vehicle battery charging. In this paper, fast charging of electric vehicle batteries is done using PPCC topology. The PPCC topology comprises a high-frequency inverter, HFTF and uncontrolled rectifier for the power transfer from the source to the battery. The PPCC topology has very little ripple in the output DC voltage, even during heavy power transfer conditions, which keeps the battery pack safe. Charging from conventional grid and fossil fuel power sources is not recommendable as EVs are considered zero-emission vehicles. The batteries of EVs need to be charged by renewable sources, which generate power using natural sources like solar radiation, wind, biogas, etc. A standalone renewable source module is modelled for the PPCC charging station, which comprises solar panels and a PMSG wind source. MPPT-based PI voltage control is adopted for voltage stability in renewable sources. The boost converter of the solar panel and wind generator sources is controlled by the proposed voltage controller, supplying maximum power at stable voltages. An analysis is done on the proposed standalone renewable source PPCC topology with different operating conditions using Simulink modeling of MATLAB software.

EV (Electric Vehicle), PPCC (Partial Power Charging Circuit), HFTF (High-Frequency Transformer), PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator), MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking), PI (Proportional Integral), Simulink, MATLAB .

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