Weld Bead Prediction in Electron Beam Welding Using Machine Learning

Weld Bead Prediction in Electron Beam Welding Using Machine Learning

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Varimadugu Sandhya, M. Naga Phani Sastry, K. Hema Chandra Reddy
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P107

How to Cite?
Varimadugu Sandhya, M. Naga Phani Sastry, K. Hema Chandra Reddy, "Weld Bead Prediction in Electron Beam Welding Using Machine Learning," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 86-92, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P107

Machine Learning (ML) enhances the effectiveness of process parameter optimization, even in well-established manufacturing industries. By utilizing this data-centric approach, we can unveil the complex and nonlinear patterns present in the data and transform them into models. These models were subsequently utilized to refine and optimize the process parameters. This study focuses on the utilization of machine learning algorithms for forecasting the weld bead geometry in EBW(electron beam welding) of Ti6Al4V. Input weld process parameters considered included accelerating voltage(kV), beam current(mA), and welding speed(m/min). The weld process parameters varied at three different levels through a series of experiments, and the resulting EBW weld bead geometry was measured for each set of input parameters. The source data were analyzed using machine learning techniques, resulting in the creation of a correlation matrix for the process parameters. The analysis revealed a strong positive correlation with the current as a process variable. An extra tree algorithm yielded a higher coefficient of determination than Random Forest and XG Boost.

Machine learning, Process parameters, Bead geometry, Correlation, Coefficient of determination.

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