Development of a Multiagent Model based on the Development of Distributed Applications

Development of a Multiagent Model based on the Development of Distributed Applications

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-9
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Abdellah Amine, Rachid Ait Daoud, Fatiha Ait Yacine
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I9P105

How to Cite?
Abdellah Amine, Rachid Ait Daoud, Fatiha Ait Yacine, "Development of a Multiagent Model based on the Development of Distributed Applications," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 58-66, 2024. Crossref,

This strategy aims to automate particular education-related administrative functions. The goal of this automation is to optimize the work carried out in these services by drawing on the theories of distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) and multiagent systems (MAS). In order to do particular tasks, this multiagent application integrates entities known as agents that collaborate and communicate with one another. The Java Agent Development Framework, or JADE middleware, serves as the foundation for the system and is used to develop and manage agents. We have evaluated the multiagent system concept using private data from an experiment we ran with university students.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Multiagent System (MAS), Agent, UML, JADE.


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