Performance Analysis of a Proposed Hybrid Energy Generation and Green Hydrogen Production System for Al Mazunah in Oman

Performance Analysis of a Proposed Hybrid Energy Generation and Green Hydrogen Production System for Al Mazunah in Oman

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Ahmed Said Al Busaidi, Manal Abdullah Al Hinai, Abdul Hakeem Al Hinai, Hamza Al Lamki, Hussein A Kazem, K. J. Sabareesaan
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I8P106

How to Cite?

Ahmed Said Al Busaidi, Manal Abdullah Al Hinai, Abdul Hakeem Al Hinai, Hamza Al Lamki, Hussein A Kazem, K. J. Sabareesaan, "Performance Analysis of a Proposed Hybrid Energy Generation and Green Hydrogen Production System for Al Mazunah in Oman," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 44-53, 2024. Crossref,

This paper presents a comprehensive techno-economic study on power generation and hydrogen production for Al Mazunah City, located in the south of Oman. The analysis involved assessing the monthly average solar and wind resources, which showed promising potential for green hydrogen production and power generation at a reasonable cost. To understand the energy demand, we analyzed real load data from 2019, revealing an average daily load of 111.716 kWh/day and a peak demand of 9410 kW. Based on these findings, we explored various techno-economic options for a hybrid power generation system, integrating solar, wind, fuel cells, and battery technologies. Our study determined that the most optimal configuration for power generation and hydrogen production involves employing a 250 kW Fuel Cell, 55,170 kW PV system, 238,856 kWh Lead Acid Battery Storage, and a 1,538 kW Wind Turbine. Remarkably, approximately 90.7% of the required power generation can be met by the solar PV system. The analysis further revealed that implementing such a system would require an investment of $227 million, with a Levelized Cost of Energy of $0.431 per kWh. This indicates an economically viable and sustainable solution for meeting the energy needs of Al Mazunah City. By promoting the integration of renewable energy sources and hydrogen production technologies, these findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and energy stakeholders seeking to enhance energy security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and foster sustainable development in the region.

Hybrid system, Green Hydrogen, Clear index, Levelized Cost of Energy, LCOH.

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