Deep Learning Approach for Face Recognition Based on Multi-Layers CNN&SVM
Deep Learning Approach for Face Recognition Based on Multi-Layers CNN&SVM |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-8 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Abu Sanusi Darma, Fatma Susilawati Mohamad, Oladapo Ayodeji Diekola, Ibrahim Mohammed Sulaiman |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I8P34 |
How to Cite?
Abu Sanusi Darma, Fatma Susilawati Mohamad, Oladapo Ayodeji Diekola, Ibrahim Mohammed Sulaiman, "Deep Learning Approach for Face Recognition Based on Multi-Layers CNN&SVM," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 388-409, 2023. Crossref,
The inspiration behind the huge attention given to face recognition systems by the research community and computer vision specialists is the need to enhance face recognition systems' effectiveness, accuracy rate, and speed. The complexity of recognizing the human face by machines due to different variations in poses, illumination, age, facial expression, occlusion, personal appearance, and different cosmetic effects makes face recognition more challenging. However, this makes it difficult to implement a robust computational system. The study's main goal is to enhance the current deep learning approaches for face recognition applications using an enhanced and efficient hybrid deep learning method that involves multi-layer CNN and SVM. The model is encompassed with a newly developed middle block convolutional regularization algorithm (MBCRA) and a pre-activation batch normalization method for computational stability and convergence speed. The combination of both CNN and SVM enables the system to obtain more significant face features from the images of the proposed AS_Darmaset. The database has six classes of images. Each class contains face images with specific variation problems. The experimental results demonstrate that the multi-layer CNN+SVM has a 99.87% accuracy, and the comparative analysis shows that the proposed model is more resilient for face image classification under unconstrained settings than the most developed deep learning model for face recognition.
Deep learning, Face recognition, Convolutional Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine.
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