Application of Fuzzy logic, watershed Lines and Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of Linear Structure and Urban Fabric: Detection of the Road Network of the City of Douala (Cameroon)
Application of Fuzzy logic, watershed Lines and Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of Linear Structure and Urban Fabric: Detection of the Road Network of the City of Douala (Cameroon) |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-7 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Fritz Elenda Nkomba, Timothée Kombe, Pierre Ele, Aurélien Yeremou, Jean Ndoumbe |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I7P239 |
How to Cite?
Fritz Elenda Nkomba, Timothée Kombe, Pierre Ele, Aurélien Yeremou, Jean Ndoumbe, "Application of Fuzzy logic, watershed Lines and Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of Linear Structure and Urban Fabric: Detection of the Road Network of the City of Douala (Cameroon)," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 406-425, 2023. Crossref,
This paper presents a technique for the extraction of linear structures from satellite images of SAR types and aerial photographs based on the fuzzy logic approach associated with the Watershed method and mathematical morphology. The methodological approach is centered on an extraction-oriented algorithm acting in several steps, namely: textural analysis and fuzzy filtering, application of mathematical morphological operators allowing to highlight the land use forms, the whole, completed by segmentation by Watershed Lines, in order to obtain finer thresholding, highlighting the filillary structure of the study area. This combination of morphological and non-morphological tools is a complement to solve the problem of discontinuity of structures, very often encountered when extracting linear structures in urban areas, by classical methods, or by using only simple morphological operators such as skeletonization. The results obtained allow us to highlight the road network of the city of Douala (Cameroon).
Fuzzy logic, Linear structures, Mathematical morphology, Urban area, Watershed lines.
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