MF-FaceNet: An Intuitive Age-Invariant Face Recognition through Multi-Feature and Multi-Fusion CNNs
MF-FaceNet: An Intuitive Age-Invariant Face Recognition through Multi-Feature and Multi-Fusion CNNs |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : M. Rajababu, K. Srinivas, H. Ravisankar |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I3P243 |
How to Cite?
M. Rajababu, K. Srinivas, H. Ravisankar, "MF-FaceNet: An Intuitive Age-Invariant Face Recognition through Multi-Feature and Multi-Fusion CNNs," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 407-422, 2023. Crossref,
In contrast to general face recognition, Age-Invariant Face Recognition (AIFR) seeks to match faces with a significant age difference. Due to the various shapes and textures of the human body, one of its most important steps is the capacity to recognize the various facial features. Poor recognition performance is the result of all these variances. Previous discriminative techniques have typically focused on dividing facial characteristics into age-related and age-invariant components, which results in the loss of face identification information. In terms of facial recognition, deep learning is thought to be a promising method. Several obstacles still exist, despite the advances made in this area. Deep learning has been seen as a promising technique in terms of face recognition. Unfortunately, despite the advances made in this area, there are still several difficulties. This paper presents a Multi-Feature and Multi-Fusion CNN method for accurate AIFR. This proposed system is named as MF-FaceNet. In this proposed system, features of the face images are extracted from the augmented, grey level and Local Binary Pattern (LBP)image datasets. Experiments are conducted for each extracted feature with three individual CNN models such as VGG-16, DenseNet-201 and ResNet-50. In the next phase of experimental investigation, extracted features are fused, and the investigation is carried out with the fusion CNN models like VDe-23, VRe-23, DeRe-23 and VDeRe-23.For this experimentation with individual and Fusion CNN models, extensive results are obtained with the aid of input standard face datasets such as FGNET, CACD and a Live dataset AS-23. Among all three datasets, the best-performed dataset is the AS-23 live dataset, and compared with the three CNN models, the highest testing accuracy of face recognition is obtained from DenseNet-201(94.27%,93.97%,90.07%). In the AS-23 live dataset, in comparison with three fusion models, the VDeRe-23 CNN feature fusion model achieved the best face recognition testing accuracies, such as 94.02%, 91.27% and 90.7%, respectively. Among all the comparisons on three datasets, the DenseNet-201 achieved the best face recognition accuracy, and for the fusion model, VDeRe-23 gave the best recognition accuracy. Our method enhances the AIFR performance on the College dataset (AS-23) when compared to other well-known datasets. Our approach performs better than the current approaches and offers a high level of recognition accuracy.
Age-invariant Face Recognition, Convolutional Neural Network Feature Extraction, Feature Fusion, Local Binary Pattern.
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