Interexchange RFID-RC522 Sensor in Machine-to-Machine Communication Between Two Arduinos using Serial JSON Schema
Interexchange RFID-RC522 Sensor in Machine-to-Machine Communication Between Two Arduinos using Serial JSON Schema |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Yulianto, Sidharta, Nyoman Wira Prasetya, Muhammad Aldiki Febriantono |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I3P235 |
How to Cite?
Yulianto, Sidharta, Nyoman Wira Prasetya, Muhammad Aldiki Febriantono, "Interexchange RFID-RC522 Sensor in Machine-to-Machine Communication Between Two Arduinos using Serial JSON Schema," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 337-344, 2023. Crossref,
The internet of things (IoT) concept has become a general requirement that makes the device work automatically and is controlled and monitored by the user anywhere they are. IoT works by connecting sensors, edge devices, cloud servers, and clients through the machine-to-machine protocol. The sensor has the task of reading the life environment condition to be digital data and transferring the data to the microcontroller or other edge devices. One of the kind sensors popularly used for reading the authentication is the RFID sensor. The RFID-RC522 is a type of sensor device that is open source. Its sensor cannot be directly connected to computers; it needs a microcontroller because the connection is a serial protocol interface. After pre-processing the sensor data from the microcontroller, the output data can be exchanged with other microcontroller devices. The communication between one Arduino to another Arduino for data exchange is known as machine-to-machine communication (m2m). The m2m communication can be realized through a wireless medium or wiring cable. There are huge of research that discusses about m2m in the wireless medium. This study proposes the model of m2m communication with the wiring cable connection to exchange RFID data. The proposed model involves 5 main components. There is RFID-RC522 as a sensor identification card, two Arduino modules connected in m2m schema, and a real-time clock module for recording the identity card when tapping process. The Serial JSON protocol is also involved in wrapping the RFID data to minimize the complexity of parsing data between two Arduino.
RFID, RC522, RFID-RC522, Arduino, Machine-to-machine, Arduino JSON.
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