Effective LoRa – Based Centralized Digital Water Meters: Real Case Study in Vietnam
Effective LoRa – Based Centralized Digital Water Meters: Real Case Study in Vietnam |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-2 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Van-Nam Pham, Ngoc-Khoat Nguyen |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I2P228 |
How to Cite?
Van-Nam Pham, Ngoc-Khoat Nguyen, "Effective LoRa – Based Centralized Digital Water Meters: Real Case Study in Vietnam," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 249-258, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I2P228
At present, analog water meters to measure the amount of water consumption are still widely used in Vietnam. In addition, the monthly manual recording of measurements has been resulting inaccurate data and time-consuming work, strongly affecting the revenue of water companies. This problem can be completely solved using digital water meters, which can send water readings to a processing center. This paper presents a step-by-step design of an electronic water flow meter using Lora wireless communication technology, which can communicate data to a local water supply company up to a distance of roughly 200 meters to a middle receiver through a common 3G/4G standard or Wi-Fi. Based on the idea of integrated technology, this paper comes up with a detailed design of digital water meters in combination with management and monitoring systems together with a mastering technology to reduce the cost of products (about 50% compared to an equivalent imported equipment). One of the most significant benefits for customers is that the water index can be monitored in real-time, assisting the water supply company reduces labor costs, easily managing the amount of water and detecting some incidents, e.g. broken water meters and leaking water pipes, such as soon as possible.
Digital water meter, Analog water meter, LoRa gateway, Wireless communication network, IoT.
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