Component-Based Software Development through DCFTM in Software Engineering
Component-Based Software Development through DCFTM in Software Engineering |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-11 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Lalu Banothu, M. Chandra Mohan, C. Sunil Kumar |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I11P206 |
How to Cite?
Lalu Banothu, M. Chandra Mohan, C. Sunil Kumar, "Component-Based Software Development through DCFTM in Software Engineering," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 56-68, 2023. Crossref,
The evolution of software systems has witnessed tremendous changes in the last decade, moving from simple web-based applications to enterprise-level distributed applications built on top of interoperable components. When systems are realized with the integration of heterogeneous components, they should evolve to accommodate changes gracefully. Moreover, systems need to be resilient against runtime faults that can occur for different reasons. Component-based software engineering has been phenomenal in producing such systems that drive the home chain of businesses in the real world. Building an enterprise application based on reusable components, instead of reinventing the wheel, is the main approach in the contemporary era. The reusable components are platform-independent and interoperable in nature. There is every possibility to have certain faults as the components are heterogeneous in nature, and they are location transparent as well. Several approaches were found in the literature to have fault-tolerant architectures in this context. However, there is still a need for leveraging fault tolerance architecture by addressing the problem of dynamic configuration of fault tolerance mechanisms at runtime. Towards this end, in this paper, we proposed a novel fault-tolerant architecture for component-based software development in the domain of software engineering. We proposed an algorithm known as Dynamic Configuration of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms (DCFTM) to ensure the system can withstand different kinds of faults at runtime and be resilient against faults. A case study enterprise application with distributed component-based architecture is built to evaluate the proposed fault-tolerant architecture and underlying DCFTM algorithm to prove the concept. The empirical study revealed that the DCFTM algorithm outperforms state of the art.
Software engineering, Fault tolerant architecture, Component-based software development.
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