Towards Stacking Ensemble-based Fine-Grained Hostile Class Classification (FGHCC) of Hindi Posts
Towards Stacking Ensemble-based Fine-Grained Hostile Class Classification (FGHCC) of Hindi Posts |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-10 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Ankita Sharma, Udayan Ghose |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I10P218 |
How to Cite?
Ankita Sharma, Udayan Ghose, "Towards Stacking Ensemble-based Fine-Grained Hostile Class Classification (FGHCC) of Hindi Posts," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 191-204, 2023. Crossref,
Lately, there has been a phenomenal surge in Hostile Online Content (HOC). The detection and classification of HOC on Online Social Platforms (OSPs) are becoming an important research area in curbing the toxicity of OSPs. Numerous efforts have been made to address this issue in resource-affluent languages. Detecting and classifying hostile content in Hindi is still challenging due to its nature and constrained resources, like adequate multilabel hostile datasets. There has been phenomenal growth in Hindi online content (OC) due to the emergence of the UTF-8 standard. Consequently, malicious Hindi OC has also skyrocketed. There is a dire need to classify and curb Hindi maleficent content on various OSPs. This paper addresses the problem of FGHCC in Hindi (Devanagari Script) as a multilabel problem since significant overlap exists among the hostile classes. The Hindi Hostility Dataset is used in this work. This work exclusively focuses on FGHCC due to its emerging nature and the scarcity of existing research in this domain. In light of this, a two-tiered stacking ensemble of classifiers is introduced, leveraging problem transformation methods (PTMs) and various state-of-the-art Machine Learning Models (MLMs) such as GNB, DT, RF, SVM, LR, SGD with TF-IDF and unigrams as features are applied. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed two-layered stacking ensemble based on PTMs with unigram and TF-IDF as features achieved the highest weighted F1 score of 0.60, which outperforms the MLMs used alone, based on One Vs. Rest (OVR), Binary Relevance (BR), Classifier Chains (CC), and Label Powerset (LPS) transformation approaches. Also, the proposed model performs competitively with complex models applied in the literature. Therefore, it indicates the efficacy of our proposed model in detecting fine-grained hostile classes in a resource-constraint scenario.
Hindi, Hostile posts, Machine learning, Multilabel text classification, Stacking ensemble.
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