CFD Study of the Effect of Engine Speed on the Combustion Process and the Formation of Pollutants in a Diesel Engine
CFD Study of the Effect of Engine Speed on the Combustion Process and the Formation of Pollutants in a Diesel Engine |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-10 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Fabrice Parfait Nang Nkol, Nelson Junior Issondj Banta, Claude Valery Ngayihi Abbe, Ruben Mouangue |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I10P215 |
How to Cite?
Fabrice Parfait Nang Nkol, Nelson Junior Issondj Banta, Claude Valery Ngayihi Abbe, Ruben Mouangue, "CFD Study of the Effect of Engine Speed on the Combustion Process and the Formation of Pollutants in a Diesel Engine," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 163-172, 2023. Crossref,
This article presents a numerical study on the influence of engine speed on the combustion process and the formation of pollutant emissions in a compression ignition engine. The literature shows that the movement of the air impacts the combustion process and, therefore, pollutants. Experimental studies have shown that at higher engine speeds, an increase in turbulence is created in the cylinders, thus improving the air/fuel mixture. However, few studies address the fundamental factors of varied engine speed at reduced steps for a certain range. This study develops and validates a CFD model with experimental data to predict the combustion scenario. Zeldovich extended mechanism, Hiroyasu model, and Kelvin-Helmohtz model are adopted to calculate NOx, soot, and spray quality, respectively. The engine speed was varied between 1500 and 2000 RPM with an increment of 100 RPM to better analyze and optimize combustion parameters and pollutant variations. The results of this research show that at higher engine speeds, fuel consumption is reduced in a shorter time by improving the air/fuel mix. The combustion time is shorter, which means less time for NOx and soot emissions. The improved air/fuel mix significantly reduces NOx and soot by about 38% and 40%, respectively. The results of these calculations show that the combustion process and the formation of pollutants strongly depend on the engine speed and load as a function of the crankshaft angle under ignition conditions. The results also show that engine speed and injection timing can be adopted in order to establish optimal engine power conditions based on low pollutant emissions and correct engine and exhaust temperatures in a compression ignition engine. This study blocks the benefits of using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to better predict a diesel engine's combustion process and pollutant emissions.
CFD, Engine speed, Combustion, Pollutants, Diesel Engine.
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