A Study on Resource Allocation and Scheduling Methods in Fog Computing Environment
A Study on Resource Allocation and Scheduling Methods in Fog Computing Environment |
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© 2022 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-70 Issue-7 |
Year of Publication : 2022 | ||
Authors : Monika, Harkesh Sehrawat,Vikas Siwach |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I7P230 |
How to Cite?
Monika, Harkesh Sehrawat, Vikas Siwach, "A Study on Resource Allocation and Scheduling Methods in Fog Computing Environment" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 291-300, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I7P230
In recent years, distributed networks have been taking charge in numerous organizations, applications, and environments for organizational control, service distribution, centralized storage, and transactions. Cloud computing is the most accepted technology in such environments, providing centralized control, storage, and management. IoT and real-time interactive applications are getting popular to improve the quality of life. These applications, devices, environments, and users demand instant services. The centralized cloud system could not provide such services instantly for a distant device or user. Fog computing resolved this problem by minimizing the distance between devices, servers, and end users. In Fog computing, the IoT applications are controlled and implemented by the intermediate smart nodes called fogs. These fogs work as a layer between the centralized cloud system and data centre IoT devices. This technology has capabilities, limitations, architectural strengths, and functional methods. In this paper, some common aspects related to fog computing are explored and discussed. The paper includes the architectural and functional description of the fog computing model. The features and limitations of this distributed environment are also explored. Fog computing accepts the user requests through computing fog nodes and faces the problem of resource allocation and scheduling. The paper has identified various issues, features, and methods associated with resource allocation and task scheduling. A detailed study on scheduling methods and resource allocation challenges is also provided in this paper.
Fog Computing, Scheduling, Resource Allocation, Cloud Computing, Distributed Network.
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