Design and Analysis of Compact Giraffe-Shaped Patch Antenna for UWB Applications: A FDTD and Hybrid PSO Algorithm Approach
Design and Analysis of Compact Giraffe-Shaped Patch Antenna for UWB Applications: A FDTD and Hybrid PSO Algorithm Approach |
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© 2022 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-70 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2022 | ||
Authors : Girish Bhide, Brijesh Iyer, Anil Nandgaonkar, Sanjay Nalbalwar, Abhay Wagh |
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How to Cite?
Girish Bhide, Brijesh Iyer, Anil Nandgaonkar, Sanjay Nalbalwar, Abhay Wagh, "Design and Analysis of Compact Giraffe-Shaped Patch Antenna for UWB Applications: A FDTD and Hybrid PSO Algorithm Approach," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 13-21, 2022. Crossref,
This paper reports a compact ultra-wideband (UWB) Giraffe-shaped patch antenna designed using hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO) algorithm. The shape of the rectangular microstrip antenna is divided into multiple small squares called pixels. These pixels are assigned binary values 1 or 0 based on decision criteria into the algorithm, known as a fitness function. The optimization algorithm implemented in the HFSS platform removes the pixels with value 0 and achieves ultra-wideband performance for the antenna within three iterations. The FDTD analysis using the convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) technique is used to validate the HFSS simulation results. The antenna is fabricated on an FR4 substrate with a permittivity of 4.4. The overall size of the antenna is 14 mm x 25.8 mm x 1.6 mm. The measured gain of the antenna ranges from 2.95 dBi to 4.45 dBi over the operating frequency range 3.2 GHz to 9.8 GHz. The measurement results show the best agreement with the HFSS simulation and FDTD analysis results.
FDTD analysis, Giraffe-shaped patch antenna, Hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm, MATLAB coding, Ultra-wideband antennas.
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