Safe Routing Approach by Identifying and Subsequently Eliminating the Attacks in MANET
Safe Routing Approach by Identifying and Subsequently Eliminating the Attacks in MANET |
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© 2022 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-70 Issue-11 |
Year of Publication : 2022 | ||
Authors : S.M. Udhaya Sankar, D. Dhinakaran, C. Cathrin Deboral, M. Ramakrishnan |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I11P224 |
How to Cite?
S.M. Udhaya Sankar, D. Dhinakaran, C. Cathrin Deboral, M. Ramakrishnan, "Safe Routing Approach by Identifying and Subsequently Eliminating the Attacks in MANET," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 219-231, 2022. Crossref,
Wireless networks that are decentralized and communicate without using existing infrastructure are known as mobile ad-hoc networks. The most common sorts of threats and attacks can affect MANETs. Therefore, it is advised to utilize intrusion detection, which controls the system to detect additional security issues. Monitoring is essential to avoid attacks and provide extra protection against unauthorized access. Although the current solutions have been designed to defeat the attack nodes, they still require additional hardware, have considerable delivery delays, do not offer high throughput or packet delivery ratios, or do not do so without using more energy. The capability of a mobile node to forward packets, which is dependent on the platform's life quality, may be impacted by the absence of the network node power source. We developed the Safe Routing Approach (SRA), which uses behaviour analysis to track and monitor attackers who discard packets during the route discovery process. The attacking node recognition system is made for irregular routing node detection to protect the controller network's usual properties from becoming recognized as an attack node. The suggested method examines the nearby attack nodes and conceals the trusted node in the routing pathway. The path is instantly assigned after the initial discovery of trust nodes based on each node's strength value. It extends the network's life span and reduces packet loss. In terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), energy consumption, network performance, and detection of attack nodes, the suggested approach is contrasted with AIS, ZIDS, and Improved AODV. The findings demonstrate that the recommended strategy performs superior in terms of PDR, residual energy, and network throughput.
MANET, Intrusion Detection, Security, Routing, Attack Nodes, Trust Node.
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