Observational Study of Fetal Heartbeat Characteristics In Pregnant Women Diagnosed With Covid -19 Treated At The Regional Maternal And Child Teaching Hospital El Carmen - Huancayo, 2020

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Lina Cárdenas-Pineda, Nilda, Cantorin-Aliaga, Leonardo, Leyva-Yataco, Gabriela, Ordoñez- Ccora, Claris, Pérez-Venegas, Zelmira, Flor De la Cruz Ramos, Alicia Alva Mantari
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I4P216


MLA Style: Lina Cárdenas-Pineda, Nilda, Cantorin-Aliaga, Leonardo, Leyva-Yataco, Gabriela, Ordoñez- Ccora, Claris, Pérez-Venegas, Zelmira, Flor De la Cruz Ramos, Alicia Alva Mantari  "Observational Study of Fetal Heartbeat Characteristics In Pregnant Women Diagnosed With Covid -19 Treated At The Regional Maternal And Child Teaching Hospital El Carmen - Huancayo, 2020" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.4(2021):107-117. 

APA Style:Lina Cárdenas-Pineda, Nilda, Cantorin-Aliaga, Leonardo, Leyva-Yataco, Gabriela, Ordoñez- Ccora, Claris, Pérez-Venegas, Zelmira, Flor De la Cruz Ramos, Alicia Alva Mantari. Observational Study of Fetal Heartbeat Characteristics In Pregnant Women Diagnosed With Covid -19 Treated At The Regional Maternal And Child Teaching Hospital El Carmen - Huancayo, 2020  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(4),107-117.

This quantitative exploratory study is aimed at characterizing the fetal heartbeat (FHC) in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID - 19 treated at the Regional Maternal and Child Teaching Hospital El Carmen - Huancayo, 2020. Methodology: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, in 31 pregnant women, an observation card was used along with parameters of Fisher. Results: Slight COVID - 19 was found in the 31 pregnant women, 64.52% of whom were between 20 and 34 years old, while 93.55% were from the urban area, 90.32% were housewives, 48.39% were primiparous, and 38.71% were multiparous. The mean temperature was 36.9, blood pressure 111/71 mmHg, and saturation was 92.81%, baseline 90.32% was normal, tachycardia presented in 9.68%, variability was absent in 25.81%, minimal in 35.48%, and normal in 38.71%, no accelerations were observed in 25.81% and 1 - 4 accelerations in 51.61% and ? 5 in 22. 58%, and decelerations of type III in 16.13%. When analyzing comorbidity vs no comorbidity, tachycardia was found in 11.11% vs 9.09%, absent variability 22.22% vs 27.27%, minimum variability 22.22% vs 40.91%, absent accelerations in 11.11% vs 31.82%, and decelerations of type III 11.11% vs 13.64%. Conclusions: Tachycardia was found in 9.68%, variability absent, and no accelerations in 25.81%, which indicates that a little more than 25% present signs of fetal hypoxia; therefore, antepartum and intrapartum monitoring is necessary.

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COVID - 19, Fetal Monitoring, Oxygen Saturation