Numerical Analys is of De fects in FML using Through - Transmission Mode of Active Thermography
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2012 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-3 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2012 | ||
Authors : S.Sundaravalli , M.C.Majumder , G.K.Vijayaraghavan |
S.Sundaravalli , M.C.Majumder , G.K.Vijayaraghavan. "Numerical Analys is of De fects in FML using Through - Transmission Mode of Active Thermography ". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(3):437-447 May-Jun 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The study mainly focuses to investigate the thermal response of defects such as delaminations and disbonds, and develop mathematical models using numerical results to obtain the optimum heat requirement and time to identify defects in GL ARE type of Fibre metal laminates (FML) under a through - transmission (TT) mode of step pulsed active thermography (SPAT) method in the type of nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDTE) technique. The influence of applied heat flux and time on various si zes and depth of defects in FML is analysed to investigate the thermal response through numerical simulations. A finite element method (FEM) is applied to simulate SPAT through ANSYS software based on 3D transient heat transfer principle with the assumptio n of TT mode of observation. The investigation shows that t he smaller and near - surface defects located at the thermal stimulant side respond with reduced thermal contrast and vice versa. Numerical results are analysed to provide the optimum heat requi rement and time to identify defects at the required MRTD even to identify defects which are not identified within the load conditions considered for the investigation s . Further, a comparative study concludes that the numerical approach based on SPAT u sing TT mode of observation could be utilized to derive mathematical models using numerical results to analyse defects present in FML effectively .
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Step pulsed active thermography (SPAT), T hrough - transmission mode (TT), NDTE, FML, Delamination s , Disbonds, Finite element method , Thermal contrast.