A Review on Various Techniques of Devanagari Script Recognition
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2016 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-33 Number-6 |
Year of Publication : 2016 | ||
Authors : Pooja Yadav, Sonia Sharma |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V33P251 |
Pooja Yadav, Sonia Sharma"A Review on Various Techniques of Devanagari Script Recognition", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V33(6),257-264 March 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Image processing has wide area for processing various functionality on image. Image with any pattern comes under the categories of pattern recognition where recognizing of the pattern can be any character, symbol, numeral or it can be any image also. Character Recognition (CR) has broad area of research in English as well as Hindi character. English language has been largely progressed to a level, sufficient to produce technology based applications. But Hindi languages are complicated structure and their computations so this language has not progressed well. Devanagari character recognition provides less correctness and efficiency. To recognize Hindi Devanagari script, various development done which is discuss in detail. Developers used to recognize the pattern with their structure, template, and graph. Some developers use classifiers to segmenting the characters.
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Devanagari Script, Offline Character recognition, Feature Extraction, Segmentation, Neural Network.